New 虚拟现实 lab allows 阿尔图纳 students to 'travel' around the world

Students and Joe Scott speak with engineer before working on 360-degree video in Europe

Recent graduates 泰勒Talarico-Yunker and 达科塔Kistler, along with campus instructional designer Joe Scott, speak with Alzbeta Prokopova, an application and support engineer at Amberg Technologies. Shown is part of the Hagerbach Test Gallery in Flums, 瑞士, one of several locations where the students captured 360-degree video.


Thanks to a new 虚拟现实 initiative at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校, 轨道交通工程(RTE)专业的应届毕业生前往欧洲,为未来的学生创造身临其境的学习体验.

During the spring 2018 semester, 布莱恩Schlake, RTE讲师, 通过创建一个新的虚拟现实学习实验室,为阿尔图纳校区的这个和未来的跨学科机会铺平了道路. 在那个时候, he instructed students on how to use the 360-degree camera equipment to capture footage, and he tested 虚拟现实 headsets that would complete the lab in the fall. 帮助启动实验室, 校园获得了15美元的奖励,000 grant from the National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association.

"I have a friend from Eastern Kentucky University who always used to say, 'Never tell a person what you can show a person,’”施莱克说. “A lot of students are visual learners, 他们可以在书中读到悬链线是什么样子的——也就是驱动电动火车的电线——但是让他们真正看到它, 看看是什么样子, 看看它是如何组合在一起的, it does a lot more than what I could do trying to explain it. Or for them to see how a station is set up, for them to actually enter that environment virtually, they are able to see the future that they will be designing."

Schlake, 和乔·斯科特一起, an instructional designer at the 阿尔图纳 campus, and a group of students from the RTE program, recorded 360-degree video at various railroad locations in Germany, 瑞士, 和奥地利. Schlake说 they collected videos of the trains, 铁路, 码, 终端, and even footage from the operator’s cab on several trains. The trip was sponsored in part by 徕卡呈施莱克说,他、斯科特和学生们都非常感谢他们的支持.

Schlake说, "Students will take those videos back and process them, 然后明年, 我们将能够进入我们的虚拟现实实验室,使用耳机——我们有几种不同类型的虚拟现实耳机,学生们可以戴上,进入这个环境,在北美甚至不存在的铁路系统中进行信誉最好的大网投平台. 这给了他们一个机会去了解宾夕法尼亚中部的这些系统和运作."

回到阿尔图纳后, 斯科特一直在帮助施莱克和他的学生使用360视频开发在线课程内容. Scott is also exploring the use of 360 videos for other courses, 他说,欧洲之行是虚拟视频创作和在国际背景下拍摄视频概念的绝佳证明.

“我有兴趣利用这次旅行和相关视频来创造数字故事体验,让学生沉浸在独特的环境中,并提供有意义的课程内容,斯科特说. “创建的资源可以用于课程内容,吸引潜在的学生参加这个项目."

目前, the VR lab has an Oculus Rift system, 谷歌白日梦, and a Samsung Gear VR platform, 施莱克表示,他们将很快购买更多的耳机,总共为实验室生产7到8个耳机. 另外, the lab will have several other systems, 包括一个虚拟焊工培训师和一个机车模拟器,让学生学习如何操作机车. 在RTE 404(铁路机械实习)课程中,学生已经开始使用虚拟焊工培训师来练习保护金属弧焊和气体金属弧焊.


从左, 泰勒Talarico-Yunker, 达科塔Kistler, and Stephen Harvey test 虚拟现实 headsets in the new lab.

来源:Marissa Carney

将制作360度视频的学生对这个机会感到非常兴奋. 即使斯蒂芬·哈维, 萨维尔的, 宾西法尼亚, has not used the 虚拟现实 equipment much, he said he thinks it will be a great opportunity for future students.

"The VR equipment is very interesting and we've never been exposed to it, 所以这是一种全新的体验,” Harvey said before going on the trip. “对于所有来观看我们制作的视频的新学生来说,这应该是一次很棒的经历."

达科塔Kistler, 威廉斯堡的, 宾西法尼亚, 他说,尽管他即将毕业,但他仍然会把这段经历写在简历上,将来也可能会用到. “我觉得很酷的是,现在我有了虚拟现实设备的第一手经验,它在我以后的职业生涯中变得越来越受欢迎, 我可以说‘是的, I can actually use it' and maybe go on and use the skill in my everyday life."

施莱克春季班的另一位应届毕业生是Media的泰勒·塔拉里科(Tyler Talarico),他拍摄了欧洲高速铁路系统的360度全景视频, 宾西法尼亚.

“我认为VR的一个很酷的地方是,它把你在课堂上的2d投影世界变成了普通的3d世界,这样你就可以用耳机自己操纵视频了,他说. “我感到非常荣幸能够为未来的课程留下我的印记,并以一种好的方式真正建立这个项目."

在春天, 宾州州立大学的媒体共享资源 aided in getting the VR lab underway. 施莱克说,媒体共享资源的工作人员为阿尔图纳校园图书馆和十大网投平台信誉排行榜的丹·盖兹购买了360度摄像机 沉浸式体验实验室 provided training on how to use the cameras and the Adobe Premiere software, which will be used to process the videos.

“媒体共享资源”的顾问尼克·斯默克说,像这样的沉浸式学习体验很重要,因为它们让学生们深入到他们无法轻易进入的世界. With an up-close view of a fundamental process or preview of potential employers, students get a sense of place in a way that traditional video cannot replicate.

“我看到了在大学里使用360度视频和所有国际事物的巨大潜力,斯默克说. “As someone who has been fortunate enough to travel, 我绝对知道,离开这个国家所获得的视角(更不用说学习语言的机会等等)是非常宝贵的.”

Implementing 身临其境的体验 in campus programming, such as ones centering around a country of focus, 就像 EDGE计划 十大网投平台信誉排行榜海狸分校, 或者在课堂上, 使学生有可能获得一种身临其境的感觉,并与特定的外国文化接触,而不需要实际在现场的相关成本. 斯默克说,否则,费用会让很多学生望而却步.


“我们希望这能真正激励全国乃至全世界的学生探索铁路运输,他说. “这是一个人们很少考虑的领域,但它确实是我们北美经济的支柱."

He added that freight transportation is seeing a large growth, especially in cities.

在阿尔图纳校区, 管理部门对沉浸式学习体验给予了很多支持和兴趣, along with students and faculty from other disciplines, such as electro-mechanical engineering technology, 心理学, 和通信.

有兴趣在校园开始使用360度视频和/或虚拟现实的教职员工可以联系媒体共享 (电子邮件保护).
